Title: |
First Name: |
Last Name:
Residential / Correspondence Address |
House Number/Name:
Street Name:
Country of Domicile is indicated by the passport you hold i.e. if you hold a UK passport, your country of domicile is the UK even if you live in spain 52 weeks of the year |
Country of Domicile:
Post Code: |
Please use international dialing code Format [+44 1260 299 700] |
Contact Number: |
Mobile Number: |
Skype Name: |
Do you have NIE number? |
If you do not have an introducer/promotion code please leave blank |
Introducer / Promotion / Agent Code: |
Property Location:
Town/Region in the Country:
Property Address:
Estimate Value should not include € sign. Format (000,000) |
Estimated Value of Property (Euros €):
No of Owners:
Beneficiary Section Example: "I leave everything to my spouse (Primary beneficiary)
but should they die before me, I leave everything to my child (Contingent beneficiary)"
Primary Beneficiaries:
Contingent Beneficiaries:
Estimated Value of your Estate in the UK (£):
Do you have a mortgage? |
[Click for Yes] |
If you have mortgage, please specify the balance in Euros(€) |
Outstanding Mortgage (€)?
Format(000,000) |
Would you like information on our staged payment option? |
[Click for Yes] |
How did you hear about us? |
Email address to be used for signing in and contact purposes. |
Login Email:
Confirm Login Email:
Please provide a memorable password of minimum
six characters. |
Password: |
Confirm Password: |
The following details will be used to retrieve a forgotten password. |
Secret Question: |
* |
Secret Answer: |
Do you require more literature: